
Some apps are difficult to remove and often leaves unwanted files if you just move them to the Trash.
Trend Micro Cleaner One Pro helps you get rid of them completely with the App Manager feature.

  1. Open the Cleaner One Pro app.
  2. Select App Manager, then do a scan.

    Cleaner One Pro - App Manager

  3. Select the app you wish to uninstall, then click Remove.

    Remove App with Cleaner One Pro

  4. Click Proceed to remove the necessary items.

    Proceed Removing App with Cleaner One Pro

  5. Due to certain file permission limitations, some files may require manual deletion.
    Click Manually Delete to locate and delete the file.

    Manually Delete Apps with Cleaner One Pro

  6. Move the file to trash, then enter your password.
  7. After uninstalling the app, click Done

    Done Removing App with Cleaner One Pro

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