
You see this error message when signing in using Password Manager on an Android phone or tablet, an iPhone or an iPad:

Unable to Sign In. Error Code: 98000006.

Why did this happen?

You are still using an older version of the app.

How do I fix this?

Uninstall the outdated version to install the latest app version:

  1. Uninstall Password Manager.
    1. Tap and hold the Password Manager app icon on your device.
    2. Remove Password Manager:
      • For Android phones or tablets: Tap Uninstall, then choose Uninstall.
      • For iPhones or iPads: Tap Delete App, then choose Delete.
  2. Install Password Manager.
    1. Open the Play Store for Android phones or tablets. For iPhones or iPads, open the App Store.
    2. Search for Trend Micro Password Manager, then tap the Install button.
    3. Once done, tap Open.
    4. Read the License Agreement, then tap the Accept and Continue button.
    5. Tap Sign In to activate the full features.

If the issue persists, start a chat to let our Trend Micro Support Representatives assist you.

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