After running a scan using Trend Micro Antivirus One, you are unable to find or search for the files it detected.
Why did this happen?
The detected file is hidden.
How can I see these hidden files?
- On your Finder, open your Macintosh HD folder.
- Press the COMMAND + SHIFT + . keys at the same time.
All the hidden files will become visible and hidden folders are grayed out.
- Press COMMAND + SHIFT + . again to hide these files.
Why not delete automatically?
The file has a root permission in which it cannot be deleted normally by sandboxed applications like Antivirus One.
What is sandboxing?
Sandboxing an additional layer of protection which is provided by Apple. It is a software management strategy that isolates applications from critical system resources and other programs. It provides an extra layer of security that prevents malware or harmful applications from negatively affecting your system.