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PETYA Ransomware Attack and Trend Micro Security Protection


Trend Micro is closely monitoring the latest ransomware outbreak that has affected several organizations around the world. This ransomware is suspected to be a variant of PETYA.

We assure you that the latest version of Trend Micro Security provides effective protection against PETYA.

Get the latest information about Trend Micro protection against Petya (2017) Ransomware Attack here.


Here are the steps to make sure you are protected from PETYA:

  1. Make sure you are using the latest version of Trend Micro Security. You can check here if you already have the latest version or follow instructions here to upgrade Trend Micro Security to the latest version.

    Read: How Can Trend Micro Security protect me from Ransomware?

  2. Make sure your Windows PC has been updated with the latest security updates especially the ones related to MS17-010. Trend Micro recommends turning on Microsoft Automatic Update.

Additional Assistance

Trend Micro highly recommends that vendor critical patches should be applied as soon as possible upon release. Customers and partners who have questions are encouraged to contact Trend Micro Technical Support for assistance.

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