
This guide explains the different types of logs in Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac and what information they contain.

What Are the Different Log Types Stored in Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac?

Scan Results

Shows all the files that might have harmful software found while scanning your Mac.

Unsafe Websites Found

Shows all the websites blocked because they have harmful software or seem involved in online scams.
The Page Rating column shows the risk of opening a particular site. Even trusted websites can appear here if they are compromised.

Websites Filtered

Shows all the websites blocked based on the Website Filter categories you selected.

Updates Received

Shows all updates Antivirus for Mac downloaded since the last time you cleared the list.

Folder Shield

Shows all the programs blocked that tried to open or change files protected by Folder Shield.

Dangerous Notifications Found

Shows all the dangerous notifications blocked that tried to send notifications through your browsers.

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