
Ransomware is a malware that encrypts your files and holds them captive until you pay the ransom. Turn ON Trend Micro Folder Shield to protect your important files and folders on your Windows PC.

Protect files from Ransomware with Folder Shield

  1. Open Trend Micro, then click the Data tab.

    Enable Trend Micro Folder Shield to protect files from Ransomware

  2. Click Configure beside Folder Shield.

    Configure Trend Micro Folder Shield to protect files from Ransomware

  3. Read the introduction, then click OK.
  4. On Choose Folders to Protect window, Trend Micro displays the three initial folders to protect: Documents, OneDrive, and Pictures. Click Protect More, then add your important files and folders.

    Find a Folder for Trend Micro Folder Shield to protect

  5. Click OK, then click Done.

I just got Ransomware infection

Download our free Decrypt Tool to attempt to retrieve files Crypto Ransomware encrypted.

You can also manually restore encrypted files after infection.

What if I have more questions?

Chat with us to answer your concerns.

See also

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