
A credit score is a three-digit numeric value (from 300 to 850) that indicates your ability to pay your bills and debts based on information from your credit report. The higher the score, the easier it is for you to borrow from lenders.

Companies use credit scores to determine whether to give you a mortgage, credit card, car loan, and other credit products, as well as for screening and renters insurance.

What factors influence your credit score?

Understanding the factors that influence your credit score is essential to maintain a healthy credit profile. Credit scores are calculated differently depending on the credit scoring model. Here are the key factors FICO and VantageScore (two widely used credit scoring models) consider.

Payment History

Paying your bills on time is the most critical factor for both scoring models. Timely payments show that you're responsible and positively affect your credit score.

Amounts Owed

Keeping your balances low helps maintain a good credit score. Try to use a small portion of your available credit.

Length of Credit History

The longer you've had credit, the better it is for your score. Establishing a positive credit history over time is beneficial, especially if you're new to credit.

New Credit

Opening multiple accounts within a short period may impact your score temporarily. Be cautious when applying for new credit, as too many applications can be seen as risky behavior.

Credit Mix

Having a variety of credit types, like credit cards, loans, and mortgages, can be helpful. It shows that you can handle different types of credit responsibly.

Type and Duration of Credit

VantageScore also values having different types of credit and a longer credit history. It indicates experience in managing credit responsibly.

Total Balances/Debt

The total amount you owe affects your VantageScore. Keeping your overall debt manageable is important, so try not to carry excessive balances.

Available Credit and Recent Credit Behavior

VantageScore considers available credit and recent credit activity, like inquiries and new accounts, as less impactful. While they matter, they have a smaller effect on your score compared to other factors.

Where can I see my credit score?

A credit report from a consumer credit bureau contains your credit score. In the U.S., you can get your credit report from any of these three major consumer credit bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. Visit

How to get a good credit score

  • Always make loan payments on time.
  • Avoid exceeding your credit limit.
  • Apply only for the credit you need.
  • Protect your credit from identity thieves.

Why is My Credit Score Low?

A low credit score can be attributed to various factors, not just negative notations on your credit file. In addition to late payments and bankruptcy, having little to no credit history can also result in a low score.

Payment History

Late payments, defaults, or accounts in collections can significantly lower your credit score. Making timely payments to creditors is crucial for establishing a positive payment history.

Lack of Credit History:

If you have little to no credit history, it can impact your credit score. Credit scoring models need sufficient information to evaluate your creditworthiness, so a lack of recent activity or removed old accounts can result in a low score.

New to Credit

Being new to credit means you start with no established credit history. Even if you haven't made any mistakes, lenders may consider you a risky borrower because they don't have enough information to assess your creditworthiness. Building a positive credit history over time is key to improve your score.

It's important to note that while these factors contribute to a low credit score, the impact of each factor may vary. Payment history remains the most influential factor affecting your credit score. Timely payments and avoiding negative notations are crucial to improving your score. However, having a limited or nonexistent credit history also plays a significant role, as credit scoring models require sufficient data to evaluate your creditworthiness.

What are the effects of a poor credit score?

Difficulty in Obtaining Credit

A poor credit score makes it hard to get approved for loans or credit cards. Lenders see you as a high-risk borrower, which limits your access to funds when you need them.

Higher Interest Rates

When you do get credit with a poor score, you'll likely face higher interest rates. Lenders charge more because they see you as a higher default risk, increasing your overall debt burden.

Limited Housing Options

Renting a home becomes challenging with a poor credit score. Landlords check credit and may hesitate to approve your application, requiring higher deposits or a cosigner.

Difficulty in Finding Employment

Some employers consider credit history when hiring for certain positions. A poor credit score may affect your chances of getting a job involving finances or sensitive information.

How does a good credit score impact my financial future?

Access to Favorable Loan Terms

A good credit score gets you better loan terms and lower interest rates. Lenders offer credit at competitive rates, saving you money and reducing monthly payments.

Higher Credit Limits

With a good credit score, you're likely to get approved for higher credit limits on your cards. This gives you more purchasing power and better management of expenses.

Lower Insurance Premiums

Insurers consider credit scores when setting premiums. A good credit score may lead to lower auto and homeowner insurance costs, saving you money.

Improved Housing Opportunities

A good credit score increases your chances of renting a home or qualifying for a mortgage. Landlords and lenders see you as reliable, expanding your housing options.

Get protection against identity theft

Thieves may use your information to create new credit accounts and transactions and not pay the bills. Your credit score may suffer if debt mounts up and payments are missed.

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