
You can transfer your Mobile Security subscription from your old iOS/iPadOS device to your new iPhone or iPad without having to uninstall it on your old one.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Open the Mobile Security app from your device.
  2. Scroll down, then tap on Settings.
  3. Tap Set Up Account and provide your email address and password.
  4. You will see a Transfer Subscription pop up on your screen, tap Next.
  5. Tap the dropdown arrow to expand the selection.
  6. Select which license you want transferred on your new device.
  7. Tap OK to confirm.

In case you accidentally tapped Cancel on the Transfer Subscription pop up...

  1. Go back to Settings.
  2. Under ACCOUNT & REGISTRATION, it will now show a Transfer a subscription to this device option. Tap it to proceed selecting which license you want transferred on your new device.
  3. Tap OK to confirm.
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