If you feel Trend Micro rated a website incorrectly, visit Trend Micro Site Safety Center to have it reclassified.
- Go to https://global.sitesafety.trendmicro.com/.
- Type the website link, then click Check Now.
- Click Reclassify Request.
- Choose the correct SAFETY RATING.
- If you think the website was mistakenly rated as unsafe, choose Safe.
- If the website is malicious, choose Dangerous.
- Under CONTENT, choose Suggest a different category, then select the right category for the website.
- Under INTRODUCE YOURSELF, put a check if you own the website and/or a Trend Micro customer.
- Fill out the comments box if you have suggestions that are not in the form.
- Type your email address and put a check beside I'm not a robot, then click OK.
- Verify the request after receiving a validation link on your email.
- Wait for a response from the Trend Micro Web Reputation Services team if the request has been processed.