
If you feel Trend Micro rated a website incorrectly, visit Trend Micro Site Safety Center to have it reclassified.

  1. Go to
  2. Type the website link, then click Check Now.

    Site Safety Center

  3. Click Reclassify Request.

    Click Reclassify Request

  5. Choose the correct SAFETY RATING.
    • If you think the website was mistakenly rated as unsafe, choose Safe.
    • If the website is malicious, choose Dangerous.

      Choose the Safe rating

  6. Under CONTENT, choose Suggest a different category, then select the right category for the website.

    Suggest a different category

    Select a category

  7. Under INTRODUCE YOURSELF, put a check if you own the website and/or a Trend Micro customer.

    Introduce yourself

  8. Fill out the comments box if you have suggestions that are not in the form.
  9. Type your email address and put a check beside I'm not a robot, then click OK.

    Enter Email Address and verify

  10. Verify the request after receiving a validation link on your email.
  11. Wait for a response from the Trend Micro Web Reputation Services team if the request has been processed.
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