
Why your device needs protection

All devices, including Macs, Windows PCs, Android phones/tablets, and iPhones, need to be protected.

Despite popular misconceptions, Macs are not immune to security threats, as hackers specifically target them to gain unauthorized access to personal information. Windows PCs, Android devices, and iPhones are also susceptible to various online threats. Hackers are constantly finding ways to exploit vulnerabilities and gain unauthorized access to personal information, sensitive data, or even control over our devices.

Signs your device is hacked

Whether you're using a Mac, Windows PC, an Android device, or even an iPhone or an iPad, it is important to be aware of the signs that your device may have been hacked.

Your device behaves in an unusual manner.

If your device starts slowing down, frequently crashing, or displaying unexpected pop-ups, it could be a sign of a hack.

You notice suspicious network activities on your device.

Hacked systems may encounter instability such as frequent crashes, freezes, or sudden restarts that occur without any apparent reason may indicate a security compromise.

There are unauthorized account access permissions on your device.

If you experience password changes without permission, or notice unusual changes in your account settings, it may indicate a security breach.

Your mobile device battery drains quickly.

For phone, tablets and laptops, a sudden decrease in battery life could be a sign of malicious activity.

There is a sudden increase in data usage on your device.

If you notice a significant change in data usage on your device beyond your normal consumption indicates a compromised device.

You see unknown apps or software installed suddenly.

Check for unfamiliar apps or software installed on your device, as hackers may install malicious programs.

You receive strange messages or calls.

You encounter a barrage of unexpected messages or phone calls from unknown numbers or contacts.

Your security software is turned off.

Your antivirus or security software has been disabled, or it cannot be updated.

There are changes in your device settings.

You observe unexplained changes in your device's settings, such as unknown configurations and changed permissions.

What to do if your device is hacked

Follow these tips to keep your device safe online threats. Take proactive steps to ensure your device and data are secure.

Disconnect your device from the network.

Turn off your Wi-Fi, unplug the network cable, or enable airplane mode to isolate your device from potential hackers.

Update your device software and apps.

Ensure your device has the latest operating system version, app version, and security software version to patch any known vulnerabilities.

Scan your device for malware.

Use trusted antivirus or anti-malware software to for malicious programs so you can remove them.

Update your passwords.

Change the passwords on all your accounts, including email, social media, banking, and any other sensitive accounts. Use strong, unique passwords for each account.

Enable two-factor authentication (2FA).

Add an extra layer of security to your accounts. Turn ON 2FA. This requires a second verification step, such as a code sent to your phone.

Consult with experts.

Contact the customer support of your device or software, or seek guidance from cybersecurity professionals, such as our Trend Micro Security Experts.

See also

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