
Learn how to configure the settings of a device on your Home Network Security App.

Access device settings

  1. On your mobile device, open your Home Network Security App.
  2. Tap the Menu icon.
  3. Tap Devices.
  4. Choose a device.
  5. Tap Settings.

Configure Device Settings


This allows you to assign a device owner:

  1. Tap the arrow icon beside the current owner.
  2. Select the device owner or tap Add Someone if you want to assign someone not on the list.
  3. You will be directed to the Device’s settings page once done.

Name, Type, Brand and Model

These fields are automatically filled in by your Home Network Security based on network inspection but you can manually change it:

  1. Tap the arrow icon beside the current Name, Type, brand or Model.
  2. Type the new information.
  3. Tap the arrow icon at the upper left corner to save the changes.

Mac ID and IP Address

These fields are detected by your Home Network Security based on network inspection and could not be edited.

Connect to the Network

This option is turned on once the device is connected to the network. To block the device’s connection to the network, toggle the switch to turn it off.

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