
Default Collection

Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac v11 automatically collects and transmits the following data, some of which may be considered personal data in certain jurisdictions, after installing/enabling the product. It is necessary to collect this data to provide the security functions on this product. Therefore, you cannot disable these features. If you do not want Trend Micro to access this data, you should uninstall and stop using the product.

To see where the collected data is processed, refer to our list of data centers and authorized data subprocessors and their locations.



Installation collects data to allow Trend Micro to get the latest installation package from Trend Micro website, and to properly identify your computer and network environment in order to provide better support.

  • IP address
  • MAC address
  • Gateway BSSID
  • Gateway MAC address
  • Host Name
  • Device ID

This feature cannot be disabled. If you do not want this data to be collected, please do not install the program on your device.

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License Management


License Management uses collected data to identify customers' accounts for support service purposes and to remind users to use relevant in-product features, products and services and if user opts in, to introduce new features, products and services to the user.

  • IP address
  • Email Address
  • Full name
  • Phone number
  • Computer Name
  • Password
  • System Locale

This feature cannot be disabled. If you do not want this data to be collected, please do not install the program on your device.

Note: Only applies to new customers with full licenses that choose to create a Trend Micro Account using the product during installation.

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Active Update


Active Update collects IP data to allow Trend Micro to know whether this device has the latest protection against the latest malware.

  • IP address

This feature cannot be disabled. If you do not want this data to be collected, please do not install the program on your device.

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Configurable Features

Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac v11 includes the following features, which may collect and transmit the following data, some of which may be considered personal in certain jurisdictions, to Trend Micro. You can disable any of these features at any time to prevent the corresponding data from being sent to Trend Micro.

Trend Micro Toolbar


URLs you access are collected and checked against our threat intelligence database to prevent you from accessing malicious websites and protect you from online threats.

  • IP address
  • Unrated URL
  • Browser's user agent
  • Main Console > Web > Web Threat Protection > Enable Toolbar on Web Browser

    Enable Toolbar on Web Browser

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Web Threat Protection


The data collected is used to enhance detection rates, reduce false alarms, and to remind users to use relevant in-product features, products and services and if user opts in, to introduce new features, products and services to the user.

  • Original URL
  • IP Address
  • Browser's user agent
  • Main Console > Overview > Detect Web Threats

    Detect Web Threats

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Website Filter


URLs you access are collected and filtered based on your preference to prevent you from accessing inappropriate websites.

  • IP Address
  • Original URL
  • Browser's user agent
  • Main Console > Web > Website Filter > Filter websites based on your selections below:

    Filter websites based on your selections below

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Machine-Learning Scan to protect new or unknown threats


Data collected for Machine-Learning is used to identify if a file is malicious and to improve malware pattern definitions.

Folder Shield works with Machine-Learning. So, when Folder shield is enabled, Machine-Learning is enabled, too.

  • IP address
  • Malware detection records (File Name, File Path)
  • Main Console > Trend Micro Antivirus > Preferences... > Scan > Enable machine-learning to protect from new or unknown threats

    Enable machine-learning to protect from new or unknown threats

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Share threat information with Trend Micro


This data will be shared with Trend Micro’s Smart Protection Network to identify and prevent malicious threats.

Share threat information with Trend Micro controls the data collected by the following features:

  • Manual Scan
  • Schedule Scan
  • Real-time Scan
  • Folder Shield
  • IP address
  • Host name
  • Malware detection records (File Name, File Path)
  • Main Console > Trend Micro Antivirus > Preferences... > Advanced > Share threat information with Trend Micro

    Share threat information with Trend Micro

    Note: If you only want to disable the data collection for a specific feature, disable each feature separately using the related product screens. Refer to the Online Help for more information.

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Share computer performance information with Trend Micro


Trend Micro uses this data to provide a monthly report in Trend Micro MyAccount to users who purchase multiple device licenses.

Trend Micro Antivirus for Mac also uses this data to improve product stability, usability, performance, and to remind users to use relevant in-product features, products and services and if user opts in, to introduce new features, products and services to the user.

  • IP address
  • Installed Application name, bundle ID, install path
  • Router mac address
  • Hashed mac address
  • Software Update
  • Malware Detection Records
  • Product Settings
  • Hashed gateway bssid
  • Hashed gateway mac address
  • In-App Event
  • Main Console > Trend Micro Antivirus > Preferences... > Advanced > Share computer performance information with Trend Micro

    Share computer performance information with Trend Micro

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Email Defender

Supports Gmail and Yahoo


Email data is used for scam mail and malicious mail detection.

To opt-out of data collection, users should not use this feature.

Do not include personal information when reporting a false alarm.

  • Email Sender (Gmail)
  • Email Subject (Gmail)
  • Email Content (Gmail)
  • IP address
  • User comments
  • Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac > Email Defender

    Trend Micro Toolbar for Mac > Email Defender

  • Email Defender > Report False Alarm
    When Email Defender has detection, there is a Report False Alarm link in the popup.
    Users can click the Report False Alarm link to share their thoughts to Trend Micro.

    Email Defender > Report False Alarm

  • Email Defender > Report Scam
    User can click Report Scam.

    Email Defender > Report Scam

    Report Scam > Suspect a scam

  • Users can send their thoughts to Trend Micro.

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Diagnostic Tool


The data is collected to troubleshoot users' issues.

To opt-out of data collection, users should not use the Diagnostic Tool to report issues.

  • Debug logs and crash file from Trend Micro product and modules
  • System Panic log
  • Device name
  • Logon name
  • Detected suspicious file path
  • Detected suspicious file
  • IP address
  • System information (including Running processes, Routing tables, Network interfaces configuration, Mounted Disk list, System Profile, Network Proxy
  • Diagnostic Tool Console > Debugging

    Diagnostic Tool - Start Monitoring

    Diagnostic Tool - Collect Information

  • Users can choose to automatically send log data to Trend Micro.

    Upload troubleshooting data to Trend Micro support automatically

  • Diagnostic Tool Console > Quarantine > Open Support Website

    Open Support Website

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Trend Micro Troubleshooting Tool


During a support service session, Trend Micro Technical Support collects this data to understand and resolve issues.

If you do not want this information collected, please do not use Trend Micro Troubleshooting Tool to do troubleshooting with support team.

  • IP address
  • System Hardware Overview (including System Activation Code and Hardware UUID)
  • Logon Name
  • Computer Name
  • Screenshot
  • Installed Application list
  • Diagnostic Tool Console > General > Troubleshoot Now

    Trend Micro Troubleshooting Tool - Troubleshoot Now

    Trend Micro Troubleshooting Tool - Download Complete

  • User can get a Token ID from Support Engineer and connect with Support with that Token ID.

    Trend Micro Troubleshooting Tool - Support Case Token

  • After connection, Trend Micro Technical Support may request to retrieve data and will wait for confirmation of the agreement from the user.

    Trend Micro Troubleshooting Tool - Support Case Token Connect

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