Mac & iOS
Network Security
Data & Privacy
Anti Scam and Spam
Browser Protection
Trend Micro Security Suite Pro protects your PC, Mac, and mobile devices from threats, secures WiFi with VPN, safeguards your identity, and includes premium support.
Before installing your Trend Micro programs and apps, go to the activation portal and enter your Serial Number/Activation Key found in your order confirmation email, receipt, or inside the card if you purchased it elsewhere.
Go To Trend Micro Activation Portal
Install Trend Micro Maximum Security on your Windows PC, Mac, and mobile devices to protect them from viruses and other online threats. Click the button below to start downloading the program.
Install Trend Micro VPN on your devices to turn any public hotspot into a secure, private connection using a Virtual Private Network (VPN). Click the button below to start downloading the program on your Windows PC or Mac.
or use your mobile phone to scan or tap the QR code below to download the app.
Get ID Protection to help you monitor your personal information for potential risks on the dark web.
One fine body…