
Keeping your Android device secure is essential, especially as cyber threats continue to rise. Managing app permissions with Trend Micro's Pre-Installation Scan can help protect your device and personal data.

Is it safe to give App Permissions?

Not always. Be careful when granting app permissions as excessive permissions can risk your personal data and device security. Review permissions before using the app and look out for red flags such as flashlight apps requesting access to contacts.

What Permissions should not be given to Apps?

Refrain from granting access to these sensitive permissions, unless essential for the app's primary function:

  • Contacts
  • Microphone
  • Camera
  • Call logs
  • Text messages
  • Location, unless it is a navigation app

Always review permissions before granting access, and deny if uncertain.

Manage App Permissions

To manage app permissions on your Android device, follow these steps:

  1. On your Android device, go to Settings.
  2. Select Apps & notifications.
  3. Choose the app you want to manage permissions.
  4. Tap Permissions.
  5. Review the permissions that the app is requesting. Enable or disable them as desired.

By only granting necessary permissions, you can reduce the risk of malicious apps accessing your personal data and potentially harming your device.

Use Trend Micro Pre-installation Scan

Mobile Security Pre-Installation Scan automatically scans apps for potential security risks before you install them. This feature is enabled by default.

  1. Go to Play Store.
  2. Search for an app you wish to install.
  3. After choosing the app, Trend Micro will show you if the app is...
    • Safe. The app is safe to install.
    • Unsafe. Install with caution. It may not be related to malware but it has some privacy issues or concern.
    • Dangerous. Do not install. It is identified as a Malware/Spyware.

How Pre-Installation Scan Works

Trend Micro Mobile Security automatically check the app's name and the name of its developer. It then assesses their reputation to determine if they are known for creating safe and trustworthy apps or if they have a history of creating suspicious or potentially harmful apps.

This helps you make informed decisions about the apps you download and helps keep your device and personal information safe.

Learn more about Pre-Installation Scan

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