
Are you struggling to keep track of your Trend Micro program's version on your Windows computer? Don't worry; we've got you covered. In this easy-to-follow guide, we'll show you how to find your Trend Micro program version with a simple click.

Check Your Trend Micro Security Program Version

  1. Locate the Trend Micro icon Trend Micro icon in the lower-right corner of your screen, usually found in the taskbar notification area.
  2. Once you found the icon, right-click on it. A menu will pop up, and from there, select Check for Program Updates.

    Tip: If you can't spot the Trend Micro icon, don't fret! Sometimes it's hidden. Click the little arrow (^) next to the notification area to reveal hidden icons, and you'll find it there.

  3. After clicking on Check for Program Updates, a window labeled About Your Software will appear. Here, you'll not only see your current program version but also check if any updates are available.
  4. Curious about which modules have been updated in each release? You can click on Component Versions to check.

That's it! You've successfully checked your Trend Micro Security program version on Windows. Staying up-to-date with security patches and fixes has never been easier.

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