
You may get this message after installing Trend Micro Antivirus on your Mac:

"Cannot install helper tool. The helper tool is needed to open Trend Micro Antivirus."

Why Did This Happen?

Without the Privileged Helper Tool, Trend Micro Antivirus cannot launch and do scans to protect your Mac from threats.

How Do I Fix This?

Do the following:

  1. Restart your Mac.
  2. Open Trend Micro Antivirus.
  3. Enter your Mac password, and then click the Install Helper button.

    You should now see the Trend Micro Antivirus main app window.

It Says "Something went wrong"

"Something went wrong"

Follow these steps:

  1. Click OK.
  2. Enter your password.

    If you already clicked OK, but there is no pop up notification to type your password:

    1. Restart your Mac.
    2. Open Trend Micro Antivirus.
    3. Wait for the Install Helper Tool pop up to show again.

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