If you want to stop the automatic renewal of your Trend Micro subscription, follow these easy steps.
Why Keep Auto Renew On?
Auto renew has its benefits:
- Continuous Service: Keeps your protection active without interruptions.
- No Expiry Worries: You don't need to remember renewal dates.
- Less Hassle: Payments and renewals are handled automatically.
- Better Security: Prevents your device from being vulnerable to threats due to an expired subscription.
Steps to Cancel Auto Renew
- Go to the Trend Micro Submit a Support Case Center.
- Under I need help with*, select Cancel Auto Renew.
- Choose the product you want to cancel under Product Name*.
- Explain the reason for your cancellation under Can you tell us why?*
- Provide your details: First and Last Name, Email Address, and Country.
- Click + Enter Order No. and type your Order Number, then click Save.
- Complete the Recaptcha, and click Submit Request.
- You will see a Successfully Submitted message with your Ticket Number.
- Wait for our email response within 24-48 hours. If it's not in your inbox, check your spam or junk mail folder.
Note: If you have a trial subscription, you do not need to cancel it. You can let the trial days expire or contact Trend Micro Support to end your trial subscription.
Cancel Auto Renewal Subscription from Best Buy
If your subscription was purchased from Best Buy, you can contact them at either of these numbers: 1-888-237-8289 or 1-800-433-5778.
Cancel Subscription on your Trend Micro Security for your Business
If you are using a Trend Micro Business product such as Worry-Free Business Security, Apex One, and others, please visit Trend Micro Business Support portal or refer to Trend Micro Business Products Support List. Choose your product, or click the product shown from the link to get the appropriate support.