
If you're seeing this message after updating Trend Micro Toolbar on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, you're not alone. Let's understand why and how to fix it.

“The extension failed to load properly. It might not be able to intercept network requests.”

Google Chrome

Microsoft Edge

Why Am I Getting This Message?

This issue arises from a tool managing ad-blocking rules, essential for our AdBlock feature. When the extension updates, and ad-blocking rules change, this error occurs. But don't worry, we've fixed it!

What Should I Do Next?

We've released updates for Trend Micro Security on Edge and Chrome browsers. It should automatically update on your browsers. Check your versions:

  • Trend Micro Toolbar for Chrome: 17.0.1745.0
  • Trend Micro Security for Edge: 1.7.1464.0

Error Persists Post-Update? Let's Fix It!

If the issue still happens after updating, follow these steps:

1. Uninstall Trend Micro Toolbar on your browser.

  • From the Menu bar:
    Right-click on the Trend Micro extension icon in the upper right part of your browser, then select Remove from Chrome or Remove from Microsoft Edge.
  • From the Extensions (puzzle icon):
    Look for Trend Micro Toolbar or Trend Micro Security. Click the three dots, then select Remove from Chrome or Remove from Microsoft Edge.

2. Install Trend Micro Toolbar.

Stay protected and browse with ease!

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