
If the Trend Micro Deepfake Inspector alerts you that anomalies were detected, it means the person on the video call may be pretending to be someone else. Stay CALM and follow these steps to handle the situation effectively.

Cancel: Immediately end the call

If you sense the video is fake, end the call immediately to prevent further interaction.

  1. Click End Call or Hang Up.
  2. Do not engage further with the person and ignore them if they try to get in touch with you via the same method.

Assess: Evaluate the situation

If the video call was verified as a scam attempt, reflect on what you have talked about on the call.

  1. Consider what information you have shared. Ask yourself, Did I share...
    • Any personal information such as your full name, address, or date of birth?
    • Any banking or financial information, including account numbers, pin code, or credit card details?
    • Private photos, videos, or personal stories?
    • Any other sensitive details, such as login credentials or confidential work-related information?
    • Any information that could be used to impersonate you or someone you know, such as voice patterns, mannerisms, or specific phrases?
    • Any details about your daily routine, family members, or work-related activities that could be exploited?
  2. If sensitive information was shared, be aware of possible risks if that information is misused. Several consequences may arise:
    • Identity Theft: Someone could steal your identity using your personal details.
    • Financial Loss: Your financial information might be used to access your accounts.
    • Reputation Damage: Any private or embarrassing information shared could be used to damage your reputation.
    • Privacy Invasion: The impersonator might use the obtained information to intrude further into your private life.

Log: Record the call details

Document everything about the call for future reference and potential reporting.

  1. Note the date and time of the call.
  2. Record any identifiable information about the person.
    • The name they used during the call.
    • Any contact information provided, such as phone numbers or email addresses.
    • Descriptions of their appearance, voice, and mannerisms.
    • Details about the background or environment visible in the video.
  3. Save any evidence, such as screenshots or recordings.

Mitigate: Act Quickly to Protect Yourself

After dealing with a potential deepfake scam, it's crucial to watch for suspicious activity across your accounts, and act quickly and thoroughly to protect yourself from harm.

  1. Contact Your Bank: Call your bank and any financial institution immediately if you transferred money to the scammer, shared banking information, and/or see that any of your accounts have been compromised. Report the scam and have them ensure your accounts are secure. Ask them to reverse any transactions or money transfers and give you your money back.
  2. Change Passwords: Update your passwords and use strong, unique ones for each account, particularly those with personal information, like your bank, email (Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo), and social media accounts (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn). Consider using a password manager tool like Trend Micro Password Manager.
  3. Enable Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Turn on 2FA to add extra security to your online accounts. For step-by-step instructions, read this article: How to Set Up Two Factor Authentication on Online Accounts
  4. Update and Scan Your Devices: If the scammer had access to your computer or phone, update your computer's security software, run a scan, and delete anything it identifies as a problem.
  5. Document Everything: Keep records of any suspicious activities or communications that might occur after the call.
  6. Report the Scam: Report the incident to the platform where it happened and relevant authorities, including police:
  7. Seek Support: Experiencing a scam or attempted scam can be distressing. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional for support.
  8. Share Your Experience: Let others know about the scam to help raise awareness and prevent future incidents.
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