
Website redirection, also called link forwarding, is used to make a web page available under more than one website address. When a web browser attempts to open a redirected link, it will go to a page with a different link.

Malware authors use this sometimes so you will acccess their malicious websites accidentally.

  1. Right-click the web browser (Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge) shortcut on your desktop.
  2. Choose Properties.
  3. Click Shortcut tab.
  4. On the Target field, remove the excess string aside from the shortcut link of the browser.
    In the example below, we deleted

    Delete excess string in web browser shortcut

  5. Click Apply, then click OK.

Remove suspicious browser extensions

Remove these suspicious browsers extensions manually on your web browser:

Expand All
For Google Chrome
For Mozilla Firefox
For Microsoft Edge
For Safari

Protect your PC against browser hijackers

Download Trend Micro Maximum Security to easily detect and block adware, spyware, viruses, and other form of malware from your browsers.

See also

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