
You see this error while signing in to Password Manager:

"Unable to Continue - error #94010006"

Other error codes you may also see are:

  • 94000001
  • 94000002
  • 94000003
  • 94000010
  • 94010001
  • 94010002

Why Did This Happen?

This error appears when you fail to create a Vault Password.

What Should I Do Next?

Create a New Vault Password:

  1. Open Google Chrome.
  2. Go to Google Chrome Menu > More tools > Clear browsing data....
  3. Click Clear data.

    Clear browsing data in Google Chrome

  4. Restart Google Chrome.
  5. Create a Vault Password again.

    If issue recurs, check if the Vault Password is created in the Password Manager Web Portal:

    1. Go to the Password Manager web portal.
    2. Sign in using your Trend Micro Account.
    3. Create a Vault Password when asked.
    4. Restart Google Chrome again.
    5. Open the Trend Micro Security again and sign in to Password Manager.
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