
Want to know about the threats your Trend Micro Security has caught and detected? Your Trend Micro Security Report has all the details you need.

How do I check my Trend Micro Security Report in the main program?

Follow these simple steps to view your report directly from the Trend Micro main console:

  1. Open Trend Micro.
  2. Click the Security Report icon.

    Security Report icon on main console

Can I view my Trend Micro Security Report online?

Yes, you can! Just use the Trend Micro Account Portal:

  1. Visit the Trend Micro Account Portal and log in.
  2. Select the Resources tab, then click Security Reports.

What about monthly Security Reports?

You'll automatically receive a Security Report Email every month, keeping you updated on what's been detected.

Note: Security Reports are important records and cannot be removed or deleted.

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