
Weak passwords can be guessable, making it easy for cybercriminals to gain access to your online accounts, steal your identity, acquire your financial information, and use it to get money from you. Check if your passwords are strong enough to avoid these risks.

Diagnose weak passwords with Password Doctor

Password Doctor in Trend Micro Password Manager diagnoses password health and recommends changes when passwords are weak or repeated across multiple sites on web browsers.

  1. Open your web browser, then click the Password Manager icon.
  2. Type your Vault Password, then click Unlock.
  3. Click Management Console you see at the bottom.

    Management Console

  4. Click Open Password Doctor under unsafe password/s.
  5. Click the Open Website button beside the weak password. It will open the sign in page on a new tab.
  6. Log in, then change your password.
  7. Sign in again to update it to your Password Manager.

Check password strength with Password Check (No installation needed)

Use the FREE Trend Micro Password Check to quickly determine how secure your password is and whether it needs to be changed.

  1. Go to Trend Micro Password Check.
  2. Enter your password to find out. Trend Micro will show how strong your password is, how easy it is to crack, and if it’s in any known data leaks.

    Generate Strong Password

Make your passwords stronger

If you discover that your password is insecure, update it right away. Follow this guide on how to create strong passwords.

See also

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