
Check and analyze if your Trend Micro Home Network Security Station is in good physical condition for protection against cyber attacks.

  1. Check if its physical components are intact.

    Home Network Security Station LED

    Home Network Security Station rear view

  2. Ensure it is turned ON:
    1. Connect the adapter to the outlet and the Station.
    2. Make sure power on the outlet is turned ON.
    3. Change outlets to ensure power is ON.
  3. Make sure you have a stable Internet connection:
    1. Disconnect your Home Network Security from the router.
    2. Check if the Internet line is connected to the router's WAN port.
      1. If there is no Internet connection:
        • Reboot your router.
        • Check the network status from your Internet Service Provider.
        • Check your router settings.
      2. If you can connect to the Internet, reconnect your Home Network Security Station to the router.
  4. Check the connection between the router and the Station:
    1. Use the Ethernet cable provided to connect the Home Network Security Station to any available LAN ports of your router.
    2. Check if the two LED lights of the LAN port are turned on. LED lights should look like this:

      LED Lights are blinking green and steady green/yellow

      • One port should be blinking green.
      • The other port should be steady green or yellow.
    3. If the LED lights do not light up as mentioned, move the Ethernet cable to another router LAN port.
      Once the LED lights become normal, your Home Network Security Station should be connected to the network.

See also

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