
The Trend Micro Toolbar warns you about security risks with the websites you try to visit. You can add this feature for FREE if you have a paid version of Trend Micro Maximum Security, Internet Security, or Antivirus+ Security installed.

Supported Web Browsers

How Page Rating works

  • Rate links on web pages

    Rates links on search results, social networking sites, and web-based email websites.

  • Rate links on mouseover

    Shows ratings whenever you hover your mouse cursor over the link for a moment.

Page Rating Classification

Icon Status Description
Safe Feel free to open.
Suspicious This page could pose a security risk. Avoid if possible.
Dangerous It may contain hidden malware, or may steal your information.
Blocked You decided to block this page.
Trusted You decided to trust this page, but Trend Micro has not confirmed this rating.
Untested Trend Micro has not yet tested this page. It may use an unsupported protocol (something other than HTTP or HTTPS).
No Response Unable to contact the page rating system. Check your Internet connection and proxy server settings.

Page ratings are optimized for your browser appearance. Choose a style that works best for you.

Note: The blue number on the Trend Micro Toolbar shows how many security risks or notifications need your attention. It alerts you to potential threats or important security messages.

See also

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