
Wi-Fi Checker scans Wi-Fi hotspots and connections for security risks.

How it works

It warns you if the wireless connection does not require any special login or screening process to connect.
Unsecured Wi-Fi connections may provide you free Internet use, but it may also bring dangerous risks, such as:

  • It can intercept your login credentials, then use it to gather useful information.
  • It can collect or alter information found on your device, which hackers can use for identity theft.
  • It can infect your device to distribute and spread malware and other threats.

Turn ON Wi-Fi Checker

  1. Tap the Mobile Security app.
  2. Select Wi-Fi Checker.
  3. Tap the Wi-Fi Checker button to switch it ON.

Tips when using possible unsafe Wi-Fi connections

  • Assume whatever you do is visible to others.
  • Avoid using public Wi-Fi for banking or any financial transactions.
  • When entering credit card information on a website, make sure the web address starts with https, indicating the site is secure.
  • Avoid conducting business on a public Wi-Fi. Confidential information might be visible to others.
  • Disable wireless feature if you are not using it.
  • Consider that many webmail sites are not secure. Your device may automatically download malicious application and potentially allow others to see your emails.
  • Make sure you are using a real hotspot. Cybercriminals may set up phony hotspots to steal information.
  • Make sure that the Wi-Fi Checker is always turned ON.

See other Mobile Security features!

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