
Due to changes in iOS 9 and later versions, the App Scan feature is no longer discontinued.

What happened?

Third-party applications are no longer allowed to query or check other running apps.

Will it be available in future Mobile Security versions?

There is currently no way to offer this function again and we are working actively to give our users the best protection.

Will my Apple device be vulnerable to attacks?

No. Since most attacks come from the Internet, you can use other features available, like SafeSurfing and Web Guard for safer browsing.

What does the app do if it is unable to scan malicious apps?

It has a lot of features you can use to stay protected againsts threats:

  • Web Guard: Checks the websites you visit against a database of known threats and risks to protect your data. It works for apps and browsers.
  • SafeSurfing: A secure browser that filters and provides protection against unsafe and unwanted websites. You can browse the Internet with peace of mind.
  • Fraud Buster: Scans your iMessage, saved images, and screenshots for malicious links.
  • Social Network Privacy: Scans your Facebook and Twitter accounts for privacy concerns and risks, and provides recommendations to fix them.
  • Wi-Fi Checker: Scans Wi-Fi hotspots and connections for security risks.
  • Data Usage: Helps you monitor how much Internet data you have used from your cellular, roaming, or Wi-Fi services. It helps know if you have exceeded or are about to exceed your data plan to avoid extra charges.
  • Device Access Status: Lets you know the overall safety of your device and provides help on how to make it stronger.
  • Lost Device Protection: Tracks your lost, stolen or misplaced device on a map using GPS or wireless networks. Sounds an alarm on your lost device, even on Silent mode.
  • Ad & Tracker Block: Stops websites from collecting information about you and blocks ads when using your browser.
  • Secure QR Code Scanner: Checks if the QR codes you scan is safe to visit or install.
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