
Private Tab in SafeSurfing lets your browse in incognito without tracking the websites you visited.

Visit websites in private

  1. Tap the Mobile Security app.
  2. Tap SafeSurfing.
  3. Tap the Private Tab icon in the upper-right corner of the app.

    Private Tab

  4. Tap the address bar to search or type the website link you want to visit.

Open a new website in without closing the previous one

  1. Tap Check Opened Tabs to access tabs.
  2. Tap the + icon at the lower left corner to add a new tab.
  3. Tap the address bar to search or type the website link you want to visit.

Close opened tabs

  1. On the SafeSurfing browser, tap Page Switcher icon.
  2. Tap X located at the top right corner of the page you want to close.
  3. Tap Done.

Switch back to SafeSurfing

  1. On the SafeSurfing browser, yap Page Switcher to access tabs.
  2. Swipe right to access the tabs in SafeSurfing.
  3. Select any tab in SafeSurfing.

See other Mobile Security features!

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